How To Connect A Domain To GenPage

How To Connect A Domain To GenPage

Custom Domain

Custom Domain Feature allows you to connect your own domain (example: to your GenPage Campaign.

By connecting custom domain to your campaign, lead pages will see your domain (example: instead of when they visit their custom page.

From your Campaigns page, click the Settings icon

Once inside Settings, head to the 'Domains' tab

Pick a Subdomain

You won't be able to use your main domain for lead pages. This is where a subdomain comes in. A subdomain is a version of your main domain.

For example:

Domain: Apple


You will need to pick a subdomain for your campaign. We suggest using something short like 'try'

So, you campaign domain will end up being ''

Add an A records to your DNS

On your DNS Settings page on your domain provider dashboard, you have to create a new A record with the following data:

  • Type - A
  • Name - (Subdomain) We suggest using 'Try'
  • Value - (this is the value you copied from GenPage Domain settings page )
  • TTL - 1/2 Hour (If you don't have the option 1/2 Hour or Auto, then loose the least value you have)

Enter your Domain

Once you have added the A Record on your DNS Settings, you have to enter your domain on GenPage Domain Settings and click 'Connect'

Helpful Links

Domain registrars and hosting companies typically have their own custom panel for DNS management, but this can typically be done under Domain Settings > DNS Records.

Listed below is a list of support articles for the most commonly used domain registrars:

• NameCheap. Adding A Record
• GoDaddy. Adding A Record
• Ionos 1&1. Adding A Record
• Gandi. Adding A Record

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