Generate Custom
Landing Pages
For Every Lead.

10x your outbound conversions with custom landing pages for every lead.

Generate at scale using AI.
Start your free trial today. No credit card required.
GenPage connects and works with all cold-email tools:
Every cold email sounds the same. Scripted. Generic.
Your emails are getting deleted because you’re doing what everyone else is doing.
What if you could send emails like this:
Hey Michael, congrats on the recent funding!

Made this landing page to show you how we can 10X Dunder Mifflin's outbound revenue:


Interested in learning more?

And when clicked, it opens a custom landing page for them.
10x your outreach replies, meetings booked and sales.
Increase Cold Email Replies.
Boost your cold email replies.
Stand out in the inbox.
Stand out from the sea of cold emails.
Scale Outreach.
Scale your outreach.

Design your landing pages in minutes.

Tell GenPage about your product/service. Leverage pre-designed sections to save time.
Start Free

Generate a custom page for every lead.

Upload a CSV of your leads. Get automatically personalized pages for every lead using AI.
Start Free

Download a unique link for every lead.

GenPage generates a unique link for each lead. Include this link as a personalization token in your outbound or ABM campaigns and watch conversions soar.
Start Free

Frequently asked questions.

What is GenPage?
GenPage is an AI-powered software that generates thousands of custom landing pages for every lead to supercharge our outbound and ABM campaigns.
How does it work?
GenPage utilizes the domain of each lead to gather insights about their product and brand.

Our AI then leverages this information, including their logo, colors, and product details, to automatically generate a personalized landing page for you to use in your campaigns.

Additionally, our no-code visual landing page builder allows you to dive into the finer details with ease to create a page that truly represents your brand or service.
Can I get a free trial?
Of course!

All plans come with 10 free credits so you can take GenPage for a spin and try before you buy.
Is it only for cold email?
Our users leverage GenPage in many ways.

GenPage is a great tool to fuel your outbound email, LinkedIn outreach, and ABM campaigns.
Can I book a demo?
Yes! Book a demo with out team here.
Still have more questions or would like to see GenPage in action? Book a Demo.

Grab attention.
Make more sales.

Ready to supercharge your outbound campaigns? Book a demo with us or get started today with 10 free credits.